Power of a Mission
Come rediscover the passion of our believing, the treasure we have been entrusted, and the power of the Baptized filled with purpose.
Come experience the gift of the Sacramental journey lived consciously: from Baptism to Table to World, we are formed, fed and sent as no others throughout all of history!
Called by a God who has imbued us with goodness, empowered by the collective Wisdom of the ages, nurtured by the gathering of the family of faith, so we are compelled to live as love in a world that hungers to know God in and through us!
Parish is the lifeblood of the church. Through mystagogy unfolding, through metanoia outpouring, we become the resounding Whisper of the Logos enfleshed! So we gather and receive, believe and become the hands, the mind, and the heart of the Christ!
Through the transforming power of a mission, ground and stone, brick and mortar are consecrated anew by generations of souls on fire proclaiming the inexpressible in and through those assembled – here in this place, now in this time!
Through the transforming power of a mission, we will see with new eyes, we will hear with our hearts, and we will believe with our living!
Through the transforming power of a mission, the desert rock gushes with our prayer and the bush aflame roars with our singing, as we become anew the pervasive presence of the living God!